Micro Blading
Microblading is a permanent tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin.
Unlike brow permanent makeup treatment, the microblading technique involves drawing individual crisp hair strokes that are more natural-looking. Microblading procedure allows reconstructing eyebrows fully.
This microblading method is perfectly suitable to correct brow shape, add volume or fill in sparse areas, and is ideal for clients who have lost eyebrow hair. It is also suitable for clients with very little or no eyebrow hair as we will be creating new, beautiful and natural-looking brows.
The ultimate aim of microblading is to create an eyebrow that nobody could tell that it has undergone semi-permanent treatment.
Single Session
A free consult is offered before the appointment date to discuss what brow procedure would be suited to you. Please allow 2-2.5 hours for the appointment from start to finish. Numbing cream is applied twice through out the appointment.
Session $400
Check Up and Touch Up
4-6 Weeks after a check up and touch up appointment can be made.
Check Up $150
Precautions and safety measures must avoid the treatment if you have any of the following:
Breastfeeding (treatment is possible, though anesthetic will not be used)
On keloids or if you have tendency to keloid, birthmarks or moles
Serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders (doctor’s note is required)
Circulatory disorders (doctor’s note is required)
Any bleeding disorders (doctor’s note is required)
You’re taking blood thinning medication
Currently on Accutane or other strong retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)
If any skin diseases symptoms or irritation appears on the area
You’ve recently had Botox or Disport treatment (must wait 2 months)
Have a broken capillary in the eyebrow area
If you have sunburn
After waxing (must wait 3 days)
After chemical peels (must wait two weeks)